What are the common themes & emotions conveyed in the 31 main Raags in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji?
Raag conveys a feeling and Shabad a message. A Raag is capable of touching the hearts with the feeling like Joy, Sorrow, Detachment, etc. Upon studying the structure of Guru Granth Sahib it can be seen that shabads relating to common THEMES are generally placed under each Raag. When the broad THEMES of Shabads are overlaid with feelings conveyed by Raags, there emerges a reason behind classification of Shabads under a broad classification of 31 Raags.
Common Theme of Shabads placed under Raags of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
1. Soohi – Being away from Home. The soul being away from the House of Lord & the joy of meeting the true husband.
2. Bilaaval – beautification of Soul, Happiness.
3. Gaund – Separation, union, surprise.
4. Sri – Maya and Detachment
5. Maajh – yearning to merge with Lord, giving up of negative values.
6. Gauri – Principles, Serious, thoughtfulness, composed
7. Aasa – Hope
8. Gujri – Prayer (Pooja)
9. Devgandhari – Merging with spouse, Self – Realization
10. Bihaagra – Yearning due to separation of Soul and happiness due to meeting the Lord.
11. Sorath – Merits of God
12. Dhanasari – Mixed Theme
13. Jaitsree – Stability
14. Todi – Maya, Separation
15. Bairagi – motivation to sing praises of Lord
16. Tilang – many words from the vocabulary of Islamic origins are used, sadness, beautification.
17. Raamkali – to give up the life of a wandering Jogi.
18. Nat Narayan – Joy of meeting the Lord
19. Maali Gaura – Happiness
20. Maaru – Bravery
21. Tukhari – Separation and union with Lord
22. Kedara – Love
23. Bhairav – Mans’ state of Hell
24. Basant – Happiness
25. Sarang – Thirst to meet God
26. Malar – State of separated and united Soul
27. Jaijawanti – Vairag (Detachment)
28. Kalyan – Bhakti (Prayer) Ras
29. Vadhans – Vairag (Detachment)
30. Parbhati – Bhakti (Prayer)
31. Kanra – Bhakti (Prayer)
Feeling communicated by the music of Raag
1. Soohi – Joy & Separation
2. Bilaaval – happiness
3. Gaund – strangeness, surprise, beauty
4. Sri – satisfaction and balance
5. Maajh – loss, beautification
6. Gauri – Seriousness
7. Aasa – making effort
8. Gujri – satisfaction, softness of heart, sadness
9. Devgandhari – No specific feeling but the Raag has a softness
10. Bihaagra – beautification
11. Sorarth – motivation
12. Dhanasari – inspiration, motivation
13. Jaitsree – Softness, satisfaction, sadness
14, Todi – this being a flexible Raag it is apt for communicating many feelings
15. Bhairagi – sadness, (Gurus have however used it for the message of Bhakti)
16. Tilang – this is a favourite Raag of Muslims. It denotes feeling of beautification and yearning.
17. Raamkali – calmness
18. Nat Narayan – Happiness
19. Maali Gaura – Happiness
20. Maaru – giving up of Cowardice
21. Tukhari – beautification
22. Kedara – Love and beautification
23. Bhairav – Seriousness, brings stability of mind
24. Basant – happiness
25. Sarang – sadness
26. Malar – seperation
27. Jaijawanti – Virag
28. Kalyan – Bhakti Ras
29. Vadhans – Vairag, Loss (that is why Alahniya is sung in this Raag when someone passes away)
30. Parbhati – Bhakti and seriousness
31. Kanra – Bhakti and seriousness
Its clear that the Gurus used Raags to increase delivery power of shabad to our mind by invoking complementary feelings in our hearts through the usage of prescribed Raags.