Gurmat & Hinduism
Who are the RSS?

Gurmat & Hinduism
What do you know of Bhagat Dhanna Ji and the story of God revealing himself through a stone?

Gurmat & Hinduism
What are the historic foundations of a Sikh Identity as supposed to a pluralistic nature known as “Sanatan Sikhi”?

Gurmat & Hinduism
Did Guru Gobind Singh Ji worship ‘Kali Devi’ on Hemkunt Parbat where Guru Ji meditated for long time, as claimed by the RSS?

Gurmat & Hinduism
In Bachittar Natak, the Tenth Guru claims His family ancestry to Lav and Kush (sons of Rama). Does this mean Sikhs are Hindus?

Why was Sikh religion started?
It is a ‘totally false’ argument that Sikhism believes all paths lead to the same goal and thus all religions are equal. From its very inc

Gurmat & Hinduism
What is Gurbani’s view of Hindu Devi & Devtas (deities)?

gurmat & Hinduism
Was Sikhism created to defend Hinduism?

Gurmat & Hinduism
Are Sikhs Hindus because they have originated from Hindus?

Gurmat & Hinduism
Are Sikhs Hindus because Sikhs intermarry with Hindus?

Gurmat & Hinduism
Was Guru Nanak a Hindu because he was born in a Hindu family?

Gurmat & Hinduism